Thanks Florence + Michael and Dennis.  Looks straightforward enough.

I use Finale for many hours, every week, but if I don't use a particular feature for a couple of months I can quickly forget it. I makes me realize why we find it so functional and others find it so daunting. My son at college, who has been new to Finale this school year, is considered a Finale whiz among his peers because he was, last fall, showing them how to use LAYERS.


Florence + Michael wrote:

Here's how you can get two thin systems side by side on one page of a score:

- In the Page Layout menu, un-check the option "Avoid Margin Collisions".
- Drag the widths of the systems to make them as slim as desired.
- Position the systems on their respective pages so that the first system is on the left and the second on the right. - Use Page Layout > Systems > Edit margins to set the "Distance Between Systems" on the second system to a negative number. The actual number will depend on the size of your page: just try something that is a bit more than the height of a page and increase it until the second system is pushed onto the same page as the first one. - Once the two systems are on the same page you can drag them as you wish.

Michael Cook

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