On Feb 19, 2006, at 7:51 AM, dc wrote:

Johannes Gebauer écrit:

Unless they are completely full of passage work you are either using too large notation, or too small a page size.

What's the smallest acceptable size for parts (in percentage reduction)?


I quote from the MOLA Guidelines Brochure, available online at


Instrumental Part Readability

The most readable staff size for all instruments is 8.5 mm (measured from the bottom to the top of the staff). Although 8.0 mm is readable for winds, it is less so for strings. Wind players can read music from staves that measure 7.5 mm, but this is very problematic for string players. Anything smaller than 7.0 mm is unacceptable for orchestral parts. Anything larger than 8.5 mm should be avoided, as it is distracting to players.

End quote. Now for interpretation.

8.5 mm (most readable) is Finale's 100% staff size.

8 mm (smallest size for strings) is Finale's 94% reduction.

7.5 mm (smallest size for winds, presumably one per stand) is 88% reduction.

7.2 mm is Finale's default 85% reduction.

They also say that 8x11 inches IMAGE SIZE is the minimum size, preferably on paper minimum 9.5x12.5 inch , which leaves a .75 inch margin on all sides (preferred 10"x13", maximum 11"x14"). This should take care of some of the problems you might have cramming music that big onto a page.

I can see now why I tend to prefer bold fonts, as most of my club and jazz part work is at 85% reduction. If I minimised the reduction, I could probably back off the big, bold, loud music notation choices a bit.


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