Two works in my personal output are passacaglias. So add:

Taylor, Adam    Symphony #1: III. Passacaglia
Taylor, Adam    Passacaglia in F# minor for Orchestra


On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 02:04:31 -0500, Ryan Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

Hoping you can help me by contributing to the
following list of chaconnes and passacaglias currently
in my iTunes library. I would love to know about any
classical piece or movement of a larger work that has
a ground bass. Even if just a portion of the movement
is chaconne- or passacaglia-like. Example: the 3rd
movt of the Barber Cello concerto listed below.
Chances are I already have recordings of them, but
they just slipped my mind when labeling the pieces. I
really like these types of pieces and want to get more
examples of them. I'm not really even concerned if
it's technically a chaconne or passacaglia. Thanks!
Hope my abbreviations don't confuse you!

•Bach, Johann Sebastian Partita Vln: 5. Ciaccona
•Bach, Johann Sebastian Passacaglia and Fugue in C
minor, BWV 582
•Barber, Samuel                Conc Cello III. Molto
allegro e appassionato
•Brahms, Johannes               Brahms 4: 4 Allegro energico
e passionato
•Brahms, Johannes               Variations on a Theme by
Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a
•Britten, Benjamin              Chacony for Strings in G
Minor (Henry Purcell, arr. Britten)
•Britten, Benjamin              Peter Grimes-Interlude IV
•Corelli, Arcangelo           La Folia
•Hindemith, Paul              Nobilissima Visione.
III. Passacaglia
•Hindemith, Paul              Symphonic Metamorphosis.
II. Turandot, Scherzo
•Holst, Gustave                1st Suite - I. Chaconne
•Lutoslawski, Witold            Concerto for Orchestra 3.
Passacaglia toccata e corale
•Nelson, Ron                    Passacaglia (Homage on
•Purcell, Henry                 Dido and Aeneas:
Dido's Lament
•Ravel, Maurice                 Piano Trio - 3.
•Shostakovich, Dmitri   Conc Vln 1: 3. Passacaglia:
•Walton, William               Suite from Henvy V: 2
The Death of Falstaff
•Webern, Anton                Passacaglia for
Orchestra op.1

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