On 6 Mar 2006 at 14:31, Phil Daley wrote:

> Kurt Gnos / 2006/03/05 / 04:35 PM wrote:
>  >
>  >How, then, comes that Mac users are a little little percentage of
>  all >computer users?
> Because PC desktops are very much cheaper than MACs, off-the shelf,
> and have many more hardware add-on options.

I thought we just demonstrated that on a head-to-head comparison 
basis, this is not true?

Mac is a premium product line. The Apple low end corresponds to the 
middle range of most PC product lines. Thus, there are many PCs that 
are cheaper than Macs.

But they aren't comparable in components, or specifications (they may 
be in performance -- that's a different issue, much harder to 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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