Hello Finale;
I have found that when using the "explode music" feature, even though the articulations are in the right place BEFORE the music is exploded, they come out funny in the parts AFTER the chords are exploded. I was wondering if there is a way for ALL articulations of a certain type to be forced either ABOVE the staff or below the staff, rather than hand editiong them, which can be really tedious. The way it comes out now, they are mixed above and below. Maybe it has to do with positioning of the note heads relative to the staff, i.e. stem up or sten down. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but the documentation has not yielded any tricks to me as yet..

Switch to the Articulation tool and then double click on any note. The selection dialog opens up. Click (single-click, not double-click) on whichever articulation you want to edit and then click the EDIT button. In the ensuing dialog you can edit where it will appear and how it will appear.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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