I think we must discern between notation, interpretation and recorded music.

While interpretation may be comparable with painting a painting, interpretation would be following close directions and adding some personal touch, recorded music may be compared to a painting, as long as we still agree the painter is following directions as "now paint, just at the top left, a small red (blood-red, shade 30%) line, 3 mm (or inches, whatever), slightly whiggly (trill), and then switch to blue (aquamarin) and ...) Some people paint smaller dots, or take a different (wrong?) red shade, or paint "to thick"... See what I mean?

Slightly more complicated than baking a cake.

A live recording of an improvisation may be the best musical analog to a painting.

And when you say now: Hey, but the painter knows (to a certain degree) what to paint before he starts .... - Hey, so does the ("good") improviser...


At 16:53 03.04.2006, you wrote:
Invalid comparison. Literature and painting are creative arts. Once completed, they are what they are. Music (and dance and theater) are both creative and recreative arts. It is in the recreation that each such work of art is different, by a little or by a lot, every time it is recreated. Notation is not performance.

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