On that post I was mentioning my concern about the quality of the PDF.
It was mentioned that:

"I did notice that the stems on flagged eighths seem to have alignment issues with
the flag, and you have not corrected Finale's mistreatment of slanted
beams so there are little white wedges with staff lines (Patterson
Beams plugin corrects this last one."
Could someone offer me suggestions on the settings and keystroke for Pattersons' plug-in?
The choices and potential keystrokes seem daunting to me.
Any help appreciated.

Thank you very much

On 5/6/06, Johannes Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just needed a tie end at the beginning of a system, where Finale
doesn't want to show one (as the tie gos from layer 1 to layer 2). A
trick to force Finale to show it is to create an extra note in voice 2
(in this case in layer 2 also), tie it, and hide it.

Only works at the beginning of a system as far as I can see, but in this
special situation it works well.


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Kim Patrick Clow
"There's really only two types of music: good and bad." ~ Rossini
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