David W. Fenton / 2006/05/13 / 11:59 AM wrote:

>I think there ought to be a way to install Win2K from the CD, 
>assuming an OS is already installed that can read the CD. If it's 
>Win9x, just reboot to the DOS prompt, and run the install from there. 
>Of course, that rather assumes DOS drivers, which you say don't exist 
>(which makes no sense to me).

Thanks for your quick response.  I didn't mean DOS driver doesn't
exist.  I just can't find it.  I have searched all over the places but
to no avail.  I tried a few which I hoped to work but didn't.
This is the constant problem using PC for me.  As soon as I buy PC, I
have to clean install Win2KJP because we can't use Windows sold in US as
is.  Windows is still the only OS which isn't single binary install. 
Microsoft purposely cripple .dlls so you have to pay a lot more extra to
get the correct .dlls.

>Or copy the files from the CD to the hard drive, then run the install 
>from the hard drive.

Since it has Win2KJP on it that I installed with the tedious steps I
mentioned, installing by copying cab files from Setup.exe running under
Win32 is possible as you suggested.  My problem is I want to reformat
the drive before installing, or I don't feel it is a clean install. 
Sorry I wasn't clear on this.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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