Richard Yates / 2006/05/28 / 09:05 AM wrote:

>I understand that if the situation were someone, or a band, sightreading
>along for the first time in performance and coming across this unexpectedly
>it would likely trip them up, but that circumstance would never occur with
>this music.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter.  If it potentially causes mistakes on
sight reading then it will invite mistakes in any situation.

In my opinion, if the form is repeated over and over for passing inprov
around, the form should be spelled out even though the last [A] is
identical to the first two:
||: [A] :||  -  [B]  -  [A]
If the music is to be played only one path then D.C. al Coda, Coda from
right before the 1st/2nd ending of the [A] appears.  I'd imagine the
last measure, the coda measure(s) will have ending motion indicated even
though notes are identical, right?

I have not seen any situation more is bad.  More often than not, copy/
paste is better than D.C./D.S. especially when you have page turns. 
Even if it is within the same page, you are forcing performer's eyes
jumping around.  I hate it.  When I have Choro gig, Choro requires a lot
of hard readings, and it always ask you to jump around with D.C./D.S.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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