At 7:44 PM -0400 5/29/06, Christopher Smith wrote:
On May 29, 2006, at 6:36 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

In short, there is no hard and fast rule about whether repeats are
obligatory just because they are found in the score, even if it's the
composer's autograph.

Wow. Really? I would have thought that something like a repeat in the composer's hand would be a sure sign that he intended it.

Wrong notes and other mistakes, of course, might be subject to scholarly dissection, but a repeat is hard to put in by accident, I would think.

If I may presume to refine David's statement, the graphic that WE interpret as a "repeat sign" was not necessarily always meant to be interpreted as a repeat sign. In some cases it was just a fancy double bar line. In others it was a repeat sign. And in others it may have been intended to indicate a performer's choice. (This is going from about 1550-1800, a period of, umm, about 250 years during which notation was undergoing many kinds of changes.)

We tend to approach questions like this from an industrialized viewpoint. Things are "standardized." They are interpreted in one and only one way. A violin bow is a certain length and no other length. Etc. But we're talking about a rather long period of time during which, when you went to a tailor, a cobbler, or a bow maker, they would measure you and make you a shirt, a pair of shoes, or a bow to fit YOU. Non-industrial. Non-standard. Open to interpretation. Like jazz. In fact, VERY much like jazz.

I can't quote chapter and verse as i sit here, but for a first approximation try Robert Donnington's book, "The Interpretation of Early Music," in which he quotes primary sources, draws his conclusions, and carefully differentiates between the two.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
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