The confusion comes here when two adjacent notes are connected together by something that looks like a tie mark. Notationally, how would you tell the difference?

The problem in Finale is that on the "simple entry" you can turn on the "tie" option for a notehead and it will cheerfully connect them even when it makes no sense, i.e. two different pitches. I would not use "smart shapes" on two adjacent notes. A slur makes sense for violin parts or trombone parrts, but not on piano parts. I have trouble with smart shapes when the parts are extracted. They have to be "fixed" on the extracted parts.

what makes it even worse is: it will hide the accidentals on the second pitch, making the playback inconsistent with the notation. So when you accidentally change the pitch of the second note, you won't even get any visual feedback.

At least it should WARN you when you tying together two different pitches. If they are the SAME pitch, then repitching one should change the other automatically. That would save time, at least, and prevent these errors.

Incidentally, I also found that the "repitcher" collapses the entire chord when you use it on a chord, inconsistent behavior with other options in the "simple" entry. I have Finale 2004, so maybe they fixed that later.

Yours; Bill Sinclair
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