On Jun 28, 2006, at 3:05 PM, Owain Sutton wrote:

A page of Mouton's _Messe d'Allemaigne_, as printed by Attaignant and
reproduced in  _Pierre Attaignant: Royal Printer of Music_ by Daniel
Heartz, displays  several 3-note ligatures, in a variety of forms.

Would these be formed simply by placing the type for individual notes
alongside one another, rather than having specific ligature type?
Petrucci certainly had the latter, but only for a limited number of
two-note ligatures.

Each separate note has its own type block, including the staff lines. But the blocks include all those needed to produce ligatures; the page in question shows, for example, both open and filled diagonal "slide" ligatures, each comprised of two adjoining type blocks with the beginning and end of the ligature respectively. From this it may be assumed that such 2-piece diagonals must have been available for every interval and at every staff position. Because *every* note form completely filled the width of its block, it was easy enough to put together ligatures of 3, 4, however many notes simply by adjoining blocks for the correct note forms.

I suspect that something similar would be the way to compile ligatures in Finale!

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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