On 01 Jul 2006, at 11:58 AM, Leigh Daniels wrote:

I'm working on a piece that needs violin and cello harmonics and I'd
like to be able to hear at least an approximation of them via Finale
playback using the Full GPO. It looks like Finale 2006/GPO cannot play
them. List archive posts from last year mention that functionality comin in "GPO Advanced" but I can find nothing about it on the Garritan web site.

I don't know what the timetable is like for GPO Advanced. It looks like it's been pushed back in favor of Garritan Marching/Concert Band.

Is there any way to approximate the timbre of them using the Full GPO?

Timbre -- not really. (One way to differentiate the harmonics from the non-harm pitches would be with a hidden "mute" expression, although obviously that won't magically make muted notes sound like harmonics.)

You can, however, get the correct pitches for playback if you use TGTools to create the harmonics.

I see that VSL has harmonics in its Solo Strings library so I'm
wondering about getting it. How does it compare to GPO with Finale?

In Fin2006, it's not as well-supported by Human Playback, and not supported at all by the Setup Wizard. I don't believe it comes with Kontakt Player (though I could be wrong) so you may also have to purchase Kontakt 2.0 to get Finale integration.

Also, obviously, it has only solo strings -- no string sections.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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