The exact rules are different in different countries - there are several information sheets about the law in Australia here, including one for "Music: choirs, bands, private music teachers"

Their answer for the question "Can I photocopy music which is out of print?" is "Even if music is out of print, it may still be protected by copyright. You will usually need the publisher's permission unless copyright has expired or a special exception to infringement applies."

Chuck Israels wrote:

Dear Keith,

Disclaimer: lay opinion.

Seems to me that if you obtained the piece legitimately, you are free to do what you want vis-a-vis "repairing" copies by Finale-ing the whole thing, if you like, and continuing to perform it. Maybe others have more informed opinions.


The better the voyce is, the meeter it is to honour and
serve God there-with:  and the voyce of man is chiefely
to be imployed to that ende.

Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.

 -William Byrd

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