On 17.08.2006 Tyler Turner wrote:
Robert or other beta testers, would you agree with
this as an acceptable overall strategy (I'm very
familiar with linked parts, but I'm no engraver)?

As I have said before, cue notes is one of the weakest areas in Finale by far. There are a lot of problems to get around, at least if one cares about proper engraving. Some of these problems are with linked parts, some of them are general problems, and some of them are general problems which have become much worse with linked parts.

To give an example: Most publishers will use a clef after the key sig and meter at the beginning of a staff, which is virtually impossible in Finale (there are work arounds, but man do they cost time!).

I have also stopped using any of the advanced features of the various cue notes plugins, I just find that I can do the same manually, quicker, and more reliably.

Please, please, MakeMusic, design a better solution for cue notes. A mirrored Cue notes layer would be ideal in my opinion.


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