
Check to see if this expression is in this place because it has been copied from another place in a mass edit operation. There is a history of erratic copying behavior like this. There may be several superimposed copies. If this is so, when you click on one to delete it, it probably does delete - exposing the one underneath. Repeat the procedure until the expression disappears. See if this works.


On Aug 24, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Richard Yates wrote:

I have a file with a text expression assigned to all staves. Using the
Expression Tool I click on the expression and press delete and nothing seems to happen. If I drag it I get a copy which I can delete but the original remains. Maybe I am overlooking something embarrassingly simple. The file is

The expression is the "m.74" one at the start of each system. The file was made in FinWin2005 but acts the same way in 2007. Can anyone delete this?

Richard Yates

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