Well, that's what I meant. The MM rests were created automatically. You didn't have to do anything about them, once the part extraction system was set up. It's not such a big deal. It only takes a couple of seconds to create those rests in each part in the new system, but they were already there, and correct, as long as you had set up the measure attributes in the score the way you wanted them in the old system

Anyway, I am not trying to be critical of the new system, or difficult. I'm just trying to learn it, and I'm grateful for your help.

I can see many advantages in it in the long run.

I am also beginning to understand that one must be careful what one asks for, in that some useful things can go away when new ones replace them. For instance, as good a system as I think this will be for many kinds of music, and many editing circumstances, it takes much longer to format a set of parts this way, if the music you are working on is mostly concerted - where many instruments have similar entrances and exits (like conventional big band music). In that case, the method of formatting a lead part, saving it as a second, third and fourth part, emptying those parts and refilling with the appropriate entries saves a lot of time.

As far as my experience with 2007 goes, the most important real bug (assuming that it's not just I who experience this) is the failure of the Document Options library to retain the font selections.


On Aug 27, 2006, at 12:33 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 27.08.2006 Chuck Israels wrote:
Sorry about that misunderstanding - MM rest creation simply worked behind the scenes in the earlier versions, and that made me think that this "selection" had existed. Wrong about that.

How do you mean, behind the scenes? It worked exactly once, when you extracted parts. After that, if you changed anything, you had to use the measure tool to recalc them (ie "create" them again).

No behind the scenes as far as I can see.


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