When they started with Igor, they swore up & down that it would be freeware 
forever and that they'd make their money via commissions on sales of user 
pieces and ABBA scores.
Shortly thereafter, the price went to $295 and development virtually stopped. 
They have been on version 1.7 forever. 3-4 years, maybe???)
I had the demo of 1.7 in the recent past; it was OK but nothing to write home 
Since there has been no development for 3-4 years, I'd say it's safe to assume 
it's gone as far as it's ever going to go, which would make me avoid it at any 
cost above $25 or so.
Along the same lines, has anyone used TURANDOT? www.turandot.hu  , another 
program that appeared and then stalled in development.
And for that matter, is Graphire still around?  It seems to come and go...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Stephen Onwood
Sent: Mon 28-Aug-06 17:22
To: Finale List
Subject: [Finale] Igor: What's the scoop?

Hi Finaleists,

A few years ago there was a lot of excitement and anticipation for
the release of Igor engraving program by Noteheads.  I am wondering
if any of the list members have tried out the program and, if so,
what are your impressions and how does it compare with Finale?  Is it
all it is cracked up to be?  Is it a viable alternative to Fin. or Sib?



Steve Onwood

"I promise to do my best, and if at any time my resolution lapses,
pen me a few fierce vitriolic words and you shall receive by the next
post a lachrymose & abject apology in my most emotional hand writing."
--Rupert Brooke, letter to James Strachey, July 7, 1905

Finale mailing list

When they started with Igor, they swore up & down that it would be freeware 
forever and that they'd make their money via commissions on sales of user 
pieces and ABBA scores.
Shortly thereafter, the price went to $295 and development virtually stopped. 
They have been on version 1.7 forever. 3-4 years, maybe???)
I had the demo of 1.7 in the recent past; it was OK but nothing to write home 
Since there has been no development for 3-4 years, I'd say it's safe to assume 
it's gone as far as it's ever going to go, which would make me avoid it at any 
cost above $25 or so.
Along the same lines, has anyone used TURANDOT? www.turandot.hu  , another 
program that appeared and then stalled in development.
And for that matter, is Graphire still around?  It seems to come and go...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Stephen Onwood
Sent: Mon 28-Aug-06 17:22
To: Finale List
Subject: [Finale] Igor: What's the scoop?

Hi Finaleists,

A few years ago there was a lot of excitement and anticipation for
the release of Igor engraving program by Noteheads.  I am wondering
if any of the list members have tried out the program and, if so,
what are your impressions and how does it compare with Finale?  Is it
all it is cracked up to be?  Is it a viable alternative to Fin. or Sib?



Steve Onwood

"I promise to do my best, and if at any time my resolution lapses,
pen me a few fierce vitriolic words and you shall receive by the next
post a lachrymose & abject apology in my most emotional hand writing."
--Rupert Brooke, letter to James Strachey, July 7, 1905

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

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