Thanks Aaron,

My window doesn't look like this. It only shows Piano LH and Piano RH, so I have to combine them to create a piano part. It's not a big deal. I have done that in the template and then grouped the staves in the part. I assume this grouping will stick for any scores I create with the template. I don't quite get why this works as it does in your example and not in mine.

Not so important, though.


On Aug 31, 2006, at 1:53 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 04:21 PM 8/31/2006, Chuck Israels wrote:
>In the Manage Parts window, when you create a piano part using two
>staves (Pno LH, & Pno RH) that are grouped in the score, those staves
>in the part do not retain the group attributes on the part, and I
>have to re-define the group in the part.  Is this normal, or am I
>missing something?

For starters, I assume you're working from an old file, because the wizard should take care of this for you on new scores. If I have an old score that contains a grouped piano grand staff, when I go to the Manage Parts dialog and hit the Generate Parts button, Finale automatically creates a piano part for me, with the group intact. Doesn't this work for you?

Or if you're doing things by hand, go to Manage Parts and hit New Part. In the listbox at the right, you should see Piano as one of your choices. You want to select this item and add it to the part, not the two staves listed beneath it. See < files/piano-part.png>

>A more arcane issue - in the new templates under File Info, there is
>a place where the word "Score" is entered, and it can be used as a
>Score/Part Name insert on linked scores and parts.  In an old
>template I am converting, with considerable success in other
>parameters, That File Info slot says "Part 0" and Finale will not
>allow me to change that to "Score."

I think I remember seeing a bug report involving this, but I don't remember the details.


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