It seems to me that the Undo lists reach back to BEFORE a save, so you should be able to save your file (call it File 1) under a new name (say, File 2), then go back and revert to when the staff was present, copy it, and paste it into File 1.

This is assuming that you deleted the staff by accident (maybe you brushed over the Delete key while the staff was selected in Staff Tool). If Finale has gone wonky on you, then not being able to undo is one of the symptoms I have seen (at least in MacFin, don't know about WinFin.)


On Sep 4, 2006, at 6:22 PM, Bruce E. Clausen wrote:

While editing a score (WinFin06) consisting of three quintets, I seem to have lost part five of the first quintet, at least the notes.  Still on the staff are all the _expression_ markings.  Is there some way of recovering the lost notes?  I've made several editing passes, which were updated and saved, before noticing the lost material.  Am I SOL and need to buck up and re-add the lost notes?  Further, is there some way you might have of keeping track all the parts of large scores while editing a portion that doesn't allow you to see the rest of the score while you're at work?
Thanks in advance!
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