dc wrote:
I finally received my upgrade (or rather found it hidden behind one of my shutters), and the first thing I was anxious to try is JW Space Systems on linked parts. I opened and old (2004) file, generated parts, and tried the plug-in on the score, which caused Finale to freeze. I made sure I had the latest version both of the plug-in (1.08) and PDK (2.15) and tried on another file, without generating parts. Freeze. I tried with a new Finale 2007 file. Same thing. A new file without libraries. Same thing. I spend several hours trying with different files and different options. Only once, by some miracle, the did the plug-in actually work and not freeze Finale, though it reported an "Internal error". I tried again on the same file without changing anything, but was out of luck again...

I'm rather upset, because I can't work without this plug-in. I know other people (at least Aaron) have reported that it works. Could it be my version of Windows (2000 SP 4)? Some options either in the plug-in or in PDK? Some program options of Finale?

Any ideas or suggestions would be warmly appreciated.

Is there anyway to downgrade to 2006 if I can't get it to work?

I can't answer for getting the plug-in to work, but if you upgraded from Fin2006, it should still be installed on your computer and still fully functional -- the good folks at MM don't cripple the currently installed version when you install the new version, the way Sibelius does. With Sibelius, you can have ONE and ONLY ONE version working on your computer at any one time, but you can have as many versions of Finale installed and activated as you have purchased upgrades to.

If you upgraded from an earlier version, you'd have to contact MakeMusic about the possibility of buying an upgrade to Fin2006, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Most companies won't sell an earlier version once they've released the most recent version.

Hopefully someone will be able to help you get that plug-in working again.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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