Bruce E. Clausen wrote:
Novice question: I'm working in FinWin06 and getting ready to print score and parts for a quartet, four movement work. Each movement is a separate file. Am I better off printing files separately or creating one super file with all movements included? Which would make printing easier?
Your question actually gets to a "workflow" issue. One of the hardest things to do in Finale is to combine two movements which exist as separate files into one larger ones; it is hard enough to combine two files, that I make the decision which way I am going to do this before I create a file, and once the decision is made, I don't revisit it. If the project already exists as four separate files, I'd go ahead and work with what you have. Printing four scores, and four sets of parts is (in my experience anyway) orders of magnitude less challenging and stressful than trying to combine four movements which already exist as separate files into a single file. I did a nine movement work (albeit a choral score) as nine separate files, and combined the files in the process of printing which resulted in a 24 page booklet, printed two up on tabloid (11 x 17 inch) paper.

I'm not sure what I would do on a four movement work for quartet. I've done them, and I've done them both as a large file, and as four shorter ones. Which method I would choose would depend upon a number of considerations, including (but not limited to) length of the work; whether and how the work is to be bound; and number of text, lyric, articulation, and expression items.

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