[This is a resend. It appears in today's archive, but did not get to me via
email as my other postings do, so just in case...]

At 08:59 AM 9/27/06 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
>Finale would be a fantastic program if it weren't for the marketing 
>department and the manual writers!

Yesterday I had a serious brain freeze on how to separately respace
individual staves on one system on a page. It was nowhere to be found in
the index, but (virtually) paging through all the stuff about staves
provided the info (that it is the second handle that appears only after

Really, the manual isn't bad, but it hasn't kept up -- just as the
programmers haven't improved their obsession with dialog boxes. I'm still
looking for a cross-screen menu that always shows the major aspects of the
current state of a selected object or task.

The disorganization is everywhere. Mass Edit contains the count of elapsed
time but Plugins contain the count of items used. It's like there's no
strong hand over a Finale Central to clean up the whole mess.

The manual needs a more workflow-based approach, but would (as I think has
been discussed before at too much length, mea culpa) hardly be needed if
the screen actually showed the activities in progress. (The sample image I
created last year is here: http://maltedmedia.com/images/finale/toolbar.gif
-- the contents change with the tool, and no dialog box appears unless
"more options" is clicked.)



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