Randolph Peters wrote:
I've been noticing that playback is slightly different when you use MIDI as opposed to playing through the Native Instrument AU/VST.

I kept all the parameters the same, using the same instruments, same reverb, same HP etc. GPO was loaded in AU for one case and in the other, I used Garritan Studio connected via their inter-application MIDI.

I think I like the MIDI version better. HP worked better and was more noticeable (not always a good thing!). In one case the AU version simply would not play this one string harmonic within a passage of harmonics, but it played fine using MIDI. (I cannot figure out this strange anomaly. I've erased the passage and reentered it several times with the same result!)

I also notice that the amount of overlap between notes is a tiny bit longer in the MIDI playback as opposed to AU/VST playback.

Yes, but in a way you're comparing apples and oranges, but at the very least comparing Courtlands with Granny Smiths.

When you do your midi route, you're using the FULL GPO and the extra capabilities built into Garritan Studio, whereas when you're using the Finale AU/VST output, you're using a lighter version of the GPO stuff, or even if you're using the same full GPO samples, the playback engine is different.

I'm not at all surprised that you find the midi output routed through GPO to be better.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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