Yes, it is ridiculous. On a Mac when you double click the backup file, it opens with Finale........However, on my XP machine, if you double click on a .BAK file, it opens with Word.

Life is too short. Get a Mac.

David W. Fenton wrote:
On 30 Sep 2006 at 8:29, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Um, Windows. Go figure.......

Try renaming the file from .BAK to .MUS. That will work. If the BAK
file is in the same directory as the original .MUS file, rename one of
them like Mygreatscore_bak.mus or Mygreatscore_oldmus.mus

This just ridiculous.

You don't have to change the file extension unless you want ShellExecute to open the file with a doubleclick.

Just use FILE | OPEN in Finale, and change the FILES OF TYPE dropdown to ALL FILES. If you want, put *.BAK in the FILENAME box. Once you see the file listed, select it and open it.

There's nothing problematic about the way Windows works here -- it's just that nobody gets any training anymore on the most basic aspects of how to use their computers.

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