At 04:58 PM 10/1/06 -0500, Robert Patterson wrote:
>Page Title Mover is part of the v3 upgrade of Patterson Plugins. You can 
>try it out for free without affecting your v2 installation.

I've just puchased it. I like your work. :)

> From a Finale perspective, do you have Finale objects on pages that are 
>neither text titles nor graphics placements? I am not aware that any 
>other types of page-attached objects exist.

I'm sorry, but I can't parse this sentence. I think it's the spicy dinner.

>Finale provides no "page shuffling" capability: it makes no sense in 
>terms of the data structures. Inserting blank pages at the beginning is 
>the one exception (apparently implemented by brute force), which in this 
>case seems to be working against you. Instead you must move the 
>page-attached objects to the desired page. Page Title Mover moves page 
>titles en masse. Graphics must be moved individually.

All page-attached objects? Oh, dear, tell me it's not so. I just took the
entire day adding title and notes pages to the beginning of dozens of
scores. Does that mean all my page attached objects have stayed where they
were? I'm afraid even to look...


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