Chuck Israels wrote:

On Oct 6, 2006, at 1:11 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Steve Schow wrote:
Regardless of when or how the sax has been used in orchestras, i believe
your are mischaracterizing Gary Garritan as he were someone that
deliberately left out a particular instrument to try to get more money
from you later.  Many people know that Gary Garritan is one of the
nicest people in the industry, he has a well earned reputation for

He is probably a very nice person, and I would not characterize him as having left the saxophone out on purpose to force anybody to buy more product from him.

But regardless of the reason, that is the result.

Or is he planning on including the saxophones in GPO-II or something?

I'm still awaiting word on the release of the Garritan General Midi soundset, something which has been listed on the Finale web-site but mentioned very little elsewhere. That will include saxes and strings, as well as all the basic General Midi sounds, but of course won't have nearly the depth of nuances that GPO has.

I don't know when it's coming, but the last time I saw Gary, he mentioned that this was in the works and implied that it was an important addition to his business.


With his high standards for sample quality, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for it because I know it'll be great -- in all my grousing about GPO not including saxes, I have never once complained about the quality of the samples.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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