On Oct 14, 2006, at 7:43 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

text on an angle is a joke in score and will
always remain exactly as you position it.

That makes no sense to me given Score's ability to do independent
staves/notation on a single page.

If jef will allow me to step in here...

I think jef meant that angled text in Score is so easy that it's a joke, not that it is so difficult that it's a joke.

This point has bigger repercussions, IMHO. One of the things that bothers me about Finale (and if this bothers me, it must INFURIATE engravers like jef!) is that everything in Finale does NOT stay where you put it! Repeat expressions were the first big thing that jumped out me, leaping about an inch or more from where I assigned them. Putting two of the same repeat expression in the same piece is impossible, because you never know where they are going to show up. Shape expressions in the Expression Tool were another item with unforeseeable positioning (maybe this is fixed in 2007?)

I'm not even talking about things that move when you don't have Automatic Music Spacing disabled. I'm talking about items that are supposed to attach themselves to a defined point and stay there - they don't. Engraver's Slurs, while improved, are still problematic. Tuplets sometimes are incomprehensible the way they reshape themselves when the pitch changes (either through editing or transposition.) Slur ends and other little items that reposition themselves when they were created in an older version of Finale. Chord suffixes get substituted from older files (I just ran into a bunch of those yesterday. Very embarrassing at a rehearsal.) And those are just the things that jump to mind right now.


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