Aaron Sherber wrote:
At 10:20 AM 11/8/2006, dhbailey wrote:
 >Here's hoping that MakeMusic comes up with a right-click dialog for text
 >blocks which includes a "This Part Only" option (among others)!

I think there are two issues here.

First, it's important to realize that the basic Fin2007 paradigm does not let you affect the *existence* of an item in score or parts -- you can only affect the *display* of an item (or the position). If you put (for example) a text block on p.1 in a part, what you've done is define a text block which appears on any p.1 in that Finale file -- in other words, in the score and all parts. You cannot delete the item from some parts and leave it in others, because the item is tied only to the *page*, not to the page within a part. But you can tell Finale to *hide* the item in certain parts and show it in others.

Keep in mind that a linked part itself is nothing more than a specialized view of the data in the score. When I create a flute part, I'm telling Finale to hide everything in the score that's not in that system. This, in fact, is the whole essence of a linked part. The note in the flute part is exactly the same item as the note in the score, which is why changing one changes the other. Finale is able to store different positioning options for an item in a part as opposed to a score, and different hide/show states, but it is not able to have an item exist in one place and not the other.

The point of all of this is that there will never be a 'Create in This Part Only' option, because that's not how Finale stores its data.

The second issue is one of UI. A 'Show in This Part Only' option I think is certainly possible -- it's essentially shorthand for 'hide in the score, then show in the part'. But it takes some thought to figure out how this interacts with other menu options, and also to keep menus from getting too cluttered. I'm not sure right now how useful this particular option would be -- I haven't thought about it much -- but I just want to point out that adding useful and technically possible options is not always as simple as just doing it.

I realized that about the data existing, so I had thought that the "Show in This Part Only" option would do exactly as you say in your final paragraph.

But just as plug-ins do very little more than we can all do by hand, tediously, so, too, such an option would simply automate the following steps:

1) enter the text block
2) switch to score view
3) click "Hide"
4) switch to Flute view
5) click "Show"

Of course, the switching of the display wouldn't occur, but the end result would be the same -- an automated process to eliminate our need to do those five steps "manually." It would set whatever switches are necessary in the data which is stored for each part, behind the scenes.

I don't see how that would be so very difficult -- it simply switches whatever attributes are switched for that text block so that it only shows in the Flute part, for instance.

And once that is automated, it should be a simple step (leap?) to allowing the use of staff lists just as we can do with expressions. so it would be possible to define a text block to show in all the woodwind parts, once we had defined such a staff list.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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