On Nov 13, 2006, at 3:10 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Chuck Israels wrote:
Thanks Noel and Christopher.
There is nothing in the measure in question to suggest that this below the line placement is correct, and it looks dumb to my eye. It may be an artifact of the part having come from exploding a staff in which all the notes in the chord had been entered, and the below center line placement had been correct in that staff and incorrectly retained in the new one. I'll try "clear dot alterations." to see if that gets rid of it, or I'll move it by hand. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some arcane notation convention.

The easy way would be to simply go into Speedy entry, put the cursor on the quarter note in question and hit 5, which will change it into an un-dotted quarter note. Then simply hit the period to place the dot and see where it goes.

Hi David,

Tried that right away when the problem first appeard. It goes to the same place. I think it's some kind of bug.


David H. Bailey
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Chuck Israels
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