dhbailey wrote:

Williams, Jim wrote:

Chuck Israels wrote...
This could open up a discussion of what makes non-boring music, and I'd have strong opinions on the matter. There is a lot of music that is supported by academic institutions that speaks only to others playing the same musical game, and a large portion of it leaves me cold, sometimes even offended, and I have no time for that. Still every now and then, I discover something I really like.

Chuck, if I ever cross your path, lunch AND dinner are on me. ;-) You said this perfectly. I was struggling to answer Will's point diplomatically and couldn't, but you have. Having spent years around (but not IN) a "major midwestern conservatory" I know--and have experienced--exactly what you mean. A certain tuba player we both know has said the same thing. ;-) It's too bad that the dreck-to-pearls ratio is what it is...

We must remember, though, that the dreck-to-pearls ratio seems to be a constant in all human endeavor. :-)

Though originally coined for prose writing, Sturgeon's Law* really seems to apply to all creative endeavours.


*"90% of everything is crud."

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