At 08:45 PM 12/7/2006, Will Denayer wrote:
>I do have another question: if you open the expression tool and scroll
>down the list, there are some expressions - tremelo, harmonics and so
>on - which can only be used when HP is off.

The reason for this is that these expressions are defined to send certain data to GPO. The whole point of HP, though, is to take ordinary expressions with no playback definition and "interpret" them, adding the playback definition behind the scenes. So if HP is off, you can use these defined expressions to get the desired effect. If HP is on, then a plain old expression that says arco or pizz or whatever will trigger the effect the same way.

>How can I put HP off?

You can turn it off for the entire piece by clicking on the speaker icon on the playback toolbar and setting Human Playback Style to None. You can turn it off for a section of a piece by creating an expression and defining it for playback to turn HP off (one of the options on the Playback tab of the Expression Designer).

>Suppose I am writing for a violin KS, will the play back give me
>harmonics if I write them? 

If you have HP on, then I think just writing with harmonic notation will give correct playback. If HP is off, then you need to attach the special harmonics expression to get the same playback.


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