Which symphony by Sofia Gubaidulina?  Is it the one written for the Louisville 
Orchestra?  I could tell you a story about that work.

Raymond Horton
Bass Trombonist
Louisville Orchestra

Will Denayer wrote:
Dear All, Thank you very much for helping me out. I will buy more memory if possible, we will see on Saturday. I copied the music I was talking about to a new document for 3 violins and 2 celli (instead of sections) and now it plays back normally. I do have another question: if you open the expression tool and scroll down the list, there are some expressions - tremelo, harmonics and so on - which can only be used when HP is off. How can I put HP off? Suppose I am writing for a violin KS, will the play back give me harmonics if I write them? I bought two CD's, one is Fragmente and hay que caminar by Luigi Nono; the other is a symphony by Sofia Gubaidulina. So far I'm disappointed in both - I had expected it to be much better. Respectfully, Will
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