I think there is a basic misunderstanding here of how MIDI sounds work. You have 12 semitones, each with its own pitch, and pitchbend, which is set according to the playback device (usually a tone in each direction maximum.) There is no way to get a perfectly smooth "siren" like glissando with the standard set of sounds for anything over a tone in interval - you would need a sample of a glissando for that.

I don't know for sure how GPO interprets pitch bends, but the Smart Music synth plays it back with a tone pitch bend. Anyone out there know what GPO does with this?

Notate it with either a wiggly line or a straight line. The players will play it correctly (or as correctly as they can manage according to their abilities and the limitations of the instrument!) and you will just have to accept that the playback in Finale will not be correct.


On Dec 13, 2006, at 7:21 PM, Rich Caldwell wrote:

Playback of glissandos in Finale has always been a problem.

I tried just now and couldn't get Finale 2k7 to have strings (GPO or SoftSynth, solo or section) playback any sort of pitch-bend (slide) glissando, which is normally what ones intends in a string part. If you specify "Pitchbend" in the HP Prefs, it won't do any gliss. If you leave it at "Automatic," it plays back a fingered glissando.

I can't tell what that "1/2 Tone Pitch Bend Range" is really supposed to do either. "Delay if possible" doesn't make any difference in my short experiment.

Does anyone have better experience and advice? One can't expect Finale to play them exactly as you want, but I thought I had more success in the past.


On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:01 PM, Will Denayer wrote:
I found the squiggly diagonal line a while ago through my own efforts (i.e. without the ‘manual’), but I am not pleased with it. I thought that a glissando is being written as a straight line between notes (even so if it cannot be literally executed as is written), while gliss. is being written the first time. This said, I am not pleased with the way the play back produces the effect either. It’s difficult to put this into words. The play back gives you all the notes between the first and the last note in a too distinctive way; the effect I wanted is more like a long completely smooth line (the difference is easy to sing; the first way is not so easy to sing because you still need to articulate all the intermediate notes, the second way is very natural, you just go from the beginning to the end). How can I notate this?

Thank you for your help and with best regards, Will

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