Kurt Gnos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am very interested in microtonal music. I have not tried this in
finale, even as a user who works with Finale almost twenty years.
If you are sucessfull in Finale, please tell me. I tried quarter
tone music in Cubase, using two "Grand" vst instruments and tuning
one a quarter tone lower. This works, but I would like to do better,
using quarter tone accidentials. And how about other microtonal
scales, third tones and other? I never found a good solution.

I wrote my "Enneakaidekaphonic Variations" for two 19-note ET recorders by distinguishing in the notation between the sharps and flats that would be enharmonic equivalents in ET12. * For playback, I put non-printing expressions with pitch bend on each note. It sounds tedious,
but went reasonably quickly with each expression on a metatool.

* C C# Db D D# Eb E E# F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B B#

If you want to work in ET31, you can add double flats and double sharps to give enough different pitch classes. I would want automatic application of the pitch bend before I tried
that, and can't think how to do it.

Ken Moore

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