On 22 Dec 2006 at 16:02, Andrew Stiller wrote:

> Since Finale does not (tho it should) carry over default document
> settings when updating, it is necessary/customary for the user to
> alter the new default file so as to include the settings so
> painstakingly worked out for prior versions.

Doesn't this depend on whether you upgrade an existing installation 
or create a new installation? That is, if you install the update into 
the folder where an existing Finale version is installed, won't it 
inherit the old installation's settings, and if you create a new 
folder for a fresh install it will not?

I have a vague perception that on the Mac the default for 
installations is to create a new installation by default and on 
Windows to install over top of the old installation and inherit all 
its existing settings. Am I wrong in that misty surmise?

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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