Andrew et al,

Shouldn't it be possible to remove your Maestro Font Default file from your Finale folder before updating (not that I remembered to do this!) and then replace it after the update?

Is there something I'm missing here. It did not occur to me to do this, so I spent hours reconfiguring mine, but it seems so easy in retrospect.


On Dec 23, 2006, at 12:40 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Dec 23, 2006, at 4:17 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

I am not on Windows, but for an upgrade from 2k4 to 2k7a I am sure it would have to completely install new default files and settings, since otherwise a lot of new features of Finale would simply be lost.

I just spent hours doing just that, and I fail to see how any new features would be lost if the installation algorithm were to copy, say, my shortened stem length from 2K4 to 2K7a. Or my choices of fonts for various items. Or any of several dozen other settings.

The installation does, after all, read the user's midi setup and copy it to the new program despite great changes in the midi setup procedure. If it can do that, it can do those other things.

And, oh yes, would it be so hard to have my preferences automatically copied too?

I lost an entire day of productivity reproducing all this stuff in 2K7a, and I'm *still* not finished. :-(


And on a related topic: is there any way to globally set the *length* of tie stubs? The only settings I know are for height and inset percentage.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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