Hi Bob,

I put slashes in layer 1, and cues in layer 3 (no particular difference there). There are occasional moments when a bass drum hit is notated in layer 2, and I also find that I have some specific ideas that I take the trouble to write in to the part - notating cymbals, snare, toms and bass drum. Perhaps this is a result of the fact that much of my music is played by student ensembles here at Western Washington U., and they come to it with so little background. Some professional drummers are irritated by seeing things that they play with apparent ease fully written out. I don't know how to resolve that issue, and I suspect that the right choices will be governed by the specific needs of the music.

I have had experience with complex drum parts - intimately integrated into the ensemble writing. Bill Goodwin read and played them very well, after which I told him he knew the music well enough to play it without reading it. Great result. I don't know if it would have happened so quickly, if I hadn't taken all that trouble in the first place.

I love good drummers.


On Jan 3, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Bob Florence wrote:

For those of you who are jazz composers/arrangers (Darcy, Christopher S, Carl D, Chuck I). I do drum parts with slashes in layer 1 and cues in layer 4.
It it still a common practice to put any bass cues in layer 2?

Thanks to you all:

Bob Florence
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