On Jan 11, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Kim Patrick Clow wrote:

I was referring to symphonies by Monn, Wagenseil, et al from the
preclassical Vienna period. I should have been more specific.

Well that may be the problem right there. The symphony at that period was not *supposed* to be interesting--symphonies were background music for banquets, not the centerpiece of an artistic experience. One of the reasons Beethoven was so controversial at first was that his music forces the listener to pay attention, which a lot of people considered to be very bad taste.

If you listen to *concertos* by Monn, Wagenseil et al, you'll find them much more interesting. Monn's 6 clarinet concertos, for example, are fascinating, and great fun.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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