On 17 Jan 2007 at 17:02, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> As a matter of fact Joshua is a very serious researcher himself. He
> found out something and he presented it in a provocative way. That
> doesn't de-value the quality of his research. He really knows the
> subject, and did his research trying to be as unbiased as possible.

Um, I know all about Rifkin (though I don't really know him 
personally -- I've been introduced but he wouldn't remember me, 
though he'd probably recognize my name). He was educated in my 
department, though he never completed the Ph.D. He's something of a 
maverick and flouts some of the conventions of musicological 
discourse and this has caused many of his problems.

I think he has always overstated his case, because he was reacting to 
a climate in which his hypothesis was going to be highly 
controversial. Also, as a musicologically-trained performer, he was 
seen by many (wrongly, in my opinion) as justifying his performing 
decisions by interpreting the evidence to favor what he was wanting 
to do with his group. Yes, he knew the sources, but he always seemed 
to me to be making a mistake in saying too firmly exactly what they 
meant. I always felt there was more doubt and flexibility in the 
subject than his polemical approach to it justified.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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