At 1:07 PM -0500 1/27/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been seeing numerous complaints on the MM forum about 2007(a/b)
crashing. Yet here I don't see it mentioned very often. Is that because most people here are concerned primarily with engraving and don't use playback? Just


I've written to MM complaining about this bug. The program crashes consistently when I apply the HP plugin, never mind actually playing the file. I haven't received a response yet.

There are other bugs introduced in 2007 that are very annoying, but maybe we're getting so jaded on this list that complaining feels like a waste of time. Or maybe we would prefer talking about, oh I don't know...

...anything except Finale!

Not that I'm complaining. Most of the time I enjoy the diversion.

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

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