On 7 Feb 2007 at 9:24, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

> Mark D Lew / 2007/02/07 / 03:59 AM wrote:
> >P.S.  When I hit "reply", this email was targeted to Randolph only.  
> > Looking at Randolph's message I see that it has no reply-to header, 
> > while all the other List messages do.  Anyone know what's up with
> >that?
> It's his email client software doing.

When I look at Randolph's message that came to me through the 
listserv, I see a Reply-To header set to the list address. If youre 
email client sets a Reply-To header, it will be retained by the 
listserv, but if it doesn't, the Reply-To header will be set to the 
list address. If there was *no* Reply-To header, then the message did 
not come to Mark through the listserv, but direct from Randolph.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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