On 7 Feb 2007 at 9:49, Mark D Lew wrote:

> On Feb 7, 2007, at 8:30 AM, Randolph Peters wrote:
> > I'm not sure why my email program (Eudora) doesn't give a reply-to 
> > header. When I want to reply to a letter and send it to the list at 
> > the same time, I have to use a special key command (option-command-
> > R on a Mac). I'll do some more investigating.
> It sounds like others do get the reply-to header on your messages.  I 
> recently upgraded from OS X.3 to X.4, and a lot changed on the Mail 
> app in the process.  Perhaps I lost a setting that I used to have.  I 
> really don't know.

If Randolph sent a message both to the listserv and to you directly, 
the one to you directly would not have had a Reply-To header if his 
email client does not put one in. But the message from the listserv 
would have had the list address in the Reply-To. If you've set up 
your subscription on mailman to suppress duplicates, you would not 
have seen the listserv message, only Randoph's direct-to-you message.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
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