Michael Lawlor wrote:

From: Matthew Hindson

> Does anyone know of a plugin that will rotate pitches around > given note (duration) values? > > e.g. in an existing excerpt of music, I want to push all the > pitches 2 notes to the right, while maintaining the existing > rhythm.

Unfortunately, Finale is a notation tool, not a composers' tool.  There are
many schemes and patterns we can dream up that could be automated, but to
be able to automate everything is beyond current software capabilities. Maybe it always will be, since it would probably take as long to define how
to do something as doing the job itself. So unless your music uses a very
small set of techniques, I don't think there will ever be a solution.

But I'm sure someone out there will disagree with me!

Yes, and it will be me :)

There are quite a few plugins existing already that extend what Finale can do, including compositional ones (e.g. the OpenMusic plugins). Philip Aker and I started working on a whole batch of other ones but I didn't get the funding and then lost touch with Philip so they never eventuated. I like the idea that computers can do such 'grunt work' for us - that's what they do in many areas, and so if they can help with composition, all the better.

However you're correct that it would take longer to programme the plugin for this than it would to actually do the work. Maybe I'll investigating the Manuscript language in Sibelius since it seems less opaque and quicker that learning C++ for Finale plugins.

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