Dunno. Have you optimized in page view BEFORE adding the staff in scroll view? That's essentially. This way Finale will not take the dummy in account for placing the MM. See my attached pict., token before the last step: move the added staff to overlap. The eighth note is moved to the right by hidden rests.
BTW, which vs Finale do you use?


You will excuse me for any typo's due to a visual handicap.

On 17 feb 2007, at 08:47, Minke Hylarides wrote:

Thank you for all your trouble in helping me out!
First I tried out Hans's idea, but Finale could not understand that I wanted to have a MM rest in one stave AND stille see the other stave (MM rest = part, ergo: no other staves are to be seen) (Hans, what did I do wrong?)

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