Thanks to all for their educational (as always) replies. I've got
professional players so I guess the technique isn't an issue. The open
string resonance I didn't know about and now I can take that into

And because I'm using Finale, I can easily change the keys!


On Mon, Mar 12, 2007, John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[I don't understand the "C to E or so" since those are on the sharp side!]
>Hi, Leigh and Christopher.  As someone who plays both, allow me to 
>chime in.  Christopher is correct as far as it goes, but those 
>limitations (or tendencies or whatever you want to call them) apply 
>to beginners rather than to professionals, with everyone else sitting 
>somewhere on a continuum between the two end points.
>A better question, Leigh, might be, in what keys do the instruments 
>SOUND the best.  For viola, that means keys in which the open strings 
>can resonate, and you start losing open strings with the notes C# on 
>the sharp side and Ab on the flat side, with each additional sharp or 
>flat taking away one more open string.  But in fact, violists can 
>play with equal facility in ANY keys, and the 19th century composers 
>forced us to do exactly that!
>Now if I had to choose between 6 sharps and 6 flats, I'd go with 6 
>sharps, because Christopher is correct in that in sightreading the 
>flats force the hand into half position, while the sharps do not.
>As to trombone, there's no theoretical preference for keys, even 
>taking into account that the instrument's home key is Bb, but note 
>this:  there are no difficult notes or slide positions, but there ARE 
>difficult combinations of slide positions, especially those involving 
>5th position (although a good player will use plenty of alternate 
>positions to reduce those difficult combinations).
>So write in whatever key you want, and leave it up to us to play it!!!!

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