On Mar 19, 2007, at 1:35 PM, shirling & neueweise wrote:

this doesn't seem to be related to finale, but in some recent work the numbers for all tuplets in 3 of 52 parts disappeared at some point in the production process.

Possibly unrelated, but years ago on an older computer I used to have memory problems in communicating with my printer. One symptom I experienced was that jobs for a certain client tended to drop the tuplet numbers. The reason was font-related. He liked the tuplet numbers in bold italic, and it was the only thing in the piece that was both bold and italic. Evidently that font was the last to load and when the data to the printer was too much that font somehow got dropped. I still don't understand the details, but I got in the habit of printing the tuplet numbers in normal italic for my own draft and then switching to bold italic right before sending the PDF.

Probably has nothing to do with your problem, but if it so happens that your tuplet numbers are in a font that nothing else in the piece is in, you might suspect a font problem of some sort.

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