On 24.03.2007 dc wrote:
"As per Article 70 of the German Urheberrechtsgesetz (copyright law), scientific 
editions, which is to say editions which are produced as a result of scientific analysis 
(i.e. critical editions and urtext), have a copyright length of only publication + 25 
years, meaning that all scientific editions published before 1982 is in the public domain 
in Germany, and also in Canada via the Rule of the Shorter Term. This would mean a lot 
(if not all) of Barenreiter's pre-1982 publications."

I believe this is more complicated than it looks. There is this Urheberrecht for the "scientific", ie critical edition, but the edition itself is still under the normal copyright. You may use the text, but not the page.

I am no expert on this though.


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