Randolph Peters wrote:
[snip]> Pretty soon I'll be blown away. For the moment I'm grateful to be making
a living, and so must ask that for a limited time (in the Thomas Jefferson sense) you please respect my small, treasured usemonopolies. Don't pirate my editions; do plunder my visions. The name of the game is

What a great outlook -- of course, he doesn't define what he thinks a "limited time (in the Thomas Jefferson sense)" really is, so we're each left to picture our own interpretation of that remark.

But he certainly hits the nail on the head -- none of us in any of the creative fields works in a vacuum. We build on those who came before and pave the way for those who are to come later, and I like his realization that his stories were never really his to start with.

I wish more people in the creative marketplace would share his thoughts -- I know that I sure do.

David H. Bailey
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