On 5-Apr-07, at 9:56 AM, George Ports wrote:

How can I set the suffix fonts in chord symbols to show a flat to look like b instead of b? Is there an easy way to do the same when describing a note such as: this note is a b5?
I'm using Times new roman for the text (in general).

Is there a way to change all that I've done so far....globally?

Suffixes (suffices?) are created individually (though all instances of say, m7(b5) will probably be the same suffix) so you have to edit the suffixes in the Chord Suffix editor.

Chord Tool
Chord Menu>Manual Input, double click on a chord symbol's handle.
Click Show Advanced, then down under Definition click Suffix - Edit.
Each character is edited individually, so step through by hitting Next until you get to the b. Change it to 5, hit Number and Prefix with Flat.
Hit Next again and change the 5 to the right parenthesis.
Hit Next again and delete the former right parenthesis. Strangely, you can't delete the b and then edit the 5 to include the flat, as once you delete a character strange things happen to the next characters. Alter the positioning as you wish by dragging the tiny little handle in the tiny little box, curse loudly, write an abusive email to MakeMusic about how complex this whole procedure is, and OK your way back to the score. All the m7(b5) chords in the score will now contain the edit.
Repeat for the next suffix, including the cursing and emails.


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